
“Asher Brown Interviews his Dad, Matt Brown",
find the link at
a 5-minute film by Asher Brown, a project sponsored by The New Leaf Gallery.
This film is a work in progress. It is part interview and part auto-biography, as Asher, the film-maker, is part of the story.
“Etching a Life in Color",
a 3-minute film by Asher Brown, a project sponsored by The New Leaf Gallery. The film share footage from a visit by Asher and his film crew to the home and studio of intaglio print-maker Bruce Peck.
“Another Path In",
a 4-minute film by Asher Brown, a project sponsored by The New Leaf Gallery. The film is carefully-edited video footage of a visit with Mary Graham to her print-making studio in Wilton, NH in April, 2021. It offers insight into Mary's initiation of her pursuit of woodblock printmaking using the Japanese hanga method. She got into the activity following a concentrated stint of painting and her subsequent participation in a pair of workshops taught by hanga printmaker Matt Brown. The film shows a selection of her print imagery; you can see more by viewing her prints on this web-site.
In his posting of the release of this short film on instagram (1/25/2022) Asher wrote:
“New work with painter & print-maker, Mary Graham!@marygrahamstudio
Big thanks to the team on this one!
1st AC:@zakalanou
AD:@damdry "
“Joy in Color",
a 4-minute film by Asher Brown, project sponsored by The New Leaf Gallery. The film is carefully edited video footage of a visit with Lynita to her print-making studio in Ashford, CT in April, 2021. It offers insight into Lynita's relationship to a long (and continuing) career making color woodblock prints using the Japanese method, more of which can be experienced by viewing her prints.
Asher, in his posting of the release of this short film on instagram (11/22/2021) wrote:
“Excited to share this one! Thank you team!"
Thank you @shimizuwoodcuts/!
Director: @asherb.dp
Produced by: @thenewleafgallery
Editor: @henry.g.allison
Assistant Camera: @zakalanou
Assistant Director: @damdry
“Looking at the Ground",
a 6-minute film by Asher Brown, project sponsored by The New Leaf Gallery. The film is carefully edited video footage of a visit with J. Ann Eldridge to her print-making studio in Bradford, NH in April, 2021. It offers wonderful insight into Ann's print-making world, more of which can be experienced by viewing her prints.
Asher, in his posting of the release of this short film on instagram (11/22/2021) wrote:
“Excited to release this short film, as well as a handful of others produced alongside this one, over the next few weeks!
Thank you @j.a.eldridge!
Director: @asherb.dp
Produced by: @thenewleafgallery
Assistant Camera: @zakalanou
Assistant Director: @damdry
These have been a long time coming and I’m proud of all the work put into them with an A+ team."
Print-makers Gathering using the Zoom format:
A Sunday afternoon discussion (April 11) with moku-hanga printmakers Andre Zadorozny and Annie Bissett.
Andre lives and works in Toronto, Canada, and is the creator of The Unfinished Print, a series of podcast series of interviews with moku-hanga printmakers world-wide.
Annie took a moku-hanga workshop led by hanga printmaker Matt Brown in 2005 and has been energetically working the art-form and making it her own ever since. Locations that have exhibited her prints include: the International Print Center of New York, NY (2020); the Boston Printmakers 2019 North American Print Biennial; The Print Center of Philadelphia, PA (2017 Annual International Competition, semi-finalist, 2016 Annual International Competition, finalist); 2017 Biennale Internationale D’Estampe Contemporaine de Trois Rivieres, Québec, Canada; 2014 International Mokuhanga Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan; Sun Valley Center for the Arts, Ketchum, ID, 2013 (Floating World: the Influence of Japanese Printmaking); 21st National Exhibition, Los Angeles Printmaking Society, Los Angeles, CA, 2013; The Ferrin Gallery, Becket and Pittsfield, MA, 2012 (The Color of Money); Rose Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Portland, ME, 2012 (Not the Usual Politics); Los Angeles Printmakers 20th National Exhibition, Los Angeles, CA, 2009; and numerous others.
Print-makers Gathering using the Zoom format:
A Visit with hanga printmaker Kevin Frances (March 7, 2021).
Kevin lives in NYC and works at a studio in the Bronx. He made hanga print-making a focus of his study in graduate school (Kevin earned an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2013). He pursues a very original printmaking process. A model-maker, his print imagery is generated from 3D models that he builds. Super interesting.
Print-makers Gathering using the Zoom format:
A Visit with hanga print-maker Cameron Bailey (March 7, 2021).
Cameron lives in Queens and shared in this get-together something of how he has been able to adapt to be able to make hanga prints in the space of a small apartment. Cameron also works at the MET. It was seeing shin hanga prints in his work that he explains was the principal inspiration for his pursuit.
Print-makers Gathering using the Zoom format:
A Visit with TNLG print-maker Jean Gumpper (February 7, 2021).
Jean lives and works in Colorado Springs, CO, and teaches art and printmaking Colorado College.
Print-makers Gathering using the Zoom format:
A Visit with TNLG print-maker Julie Lapping Rivera (February 7, 2021)
Julie lives and works in Leverett, MA, and teaches printmaking Zea Mays Printmaking in Florence, Massachusetts.
1.3.2021 Holiday Printmakers' Party using the Zoom format. Visits with Anne Eldridge, Catherine Greene, Jay Stormer, Dave Morgan, and Matt Brown.
12.27.2020 Holiday Printmakers' Party using the Zoom format. Visits with Brian Cohen, R. P. Hale, William Mitchell, Mary Graham, and William Hays.

Links to Printmaking Resources: Web-sites and Publications
- Based in Gilmanton, NH, The Journal of the Print World is a quarterly publication with a 40-year history of focus on the world of hand-made printmaking, both contemporary and antique. Each issue is built around articles about print-makers and their work (both living and deceased) about art fairs, exhibits, noteworthy auctions, or other topics relevant to the world of print enjoyment and appreciation. Advertisers include most of the prominent dealers working with hand-made prints in the US today.
- David Bull has a comprehensive list of books on hanga printmaking on his Encyclopedia of Woodblock Printmaking web-site.
- McClain's Printmaking Supplies is the pre-eminent supplier of tools and materials for hanga printmaking in the US.
- The Unfinished Print is a podcast focused on the makers and those associated with the art of Japanese woodblock printing or mokuhanga.
ART CLASSES Online & In-Person:
First Proof Press, Brattleboro, VT [printmaking studio, contract printing, workshops, & individualized instruction]
Two Rivers Printmaking Studio, White River Junction, VT [supporting working artists, traditional/experimental printmaking, & exhibitions/workshops]
Zea Mays Printmaking, Florence, MA [well-equipped, voc-free studio; workshops, demonstrations, internships, residencies, collaborations, exhibitions, & publications]
GREATER MONADNOCK REGION Art & Print related resources:
Arts Alive!, Keene, NH [advancing arts & culture in the Monadnock region]
17ROX Artists' Studios, Keene, NH [13 working studios - contact Georgia Cassimatis at]
Rosemarie Bernardi, printmaker, educator, public arts facilitator
Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Brattleboro, VT [rotating exhibitions & art/cultural events]
Indian King Framery, Keene, NH [museum quality picture framing, art appraisal & restoration, in-home consultation]
MAxT Makerspace, Peterborough, NH [space & tools to share; room to grow]
Prime Roast Coffee & Cafe, Keene, NH [organic, fair trade coffee, bakery & art gallery; "build community, grow thoughtfully"]
Terra Nova Organic Coffee & Cafe, Keene, NH [custom brick & mortar roastery & espresso bar, great arts scene]
Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery, Keene, NH [Keene State College's gathering place for artists, students, patrons, educators, scholars, & friends]
Walldogs, Keene, NH [17 large-scale public murals celebrating people & events of historical significance]
Wingate Studio, Hinsdale, NH [publisher of fine art etchings created by invited artists in collaboration with master printers]

Links to Printmaking Resources: Events
- Turns out Apple's executive founder steve Jobs was enamored of Japanese prints, especially the shin-hanga landscape imagery of Kawase Hasui. To see a Japan NHK-TV special describing the story.
- Introduction to Japanese Color Woodblock Printmaking, Zoom workshop taught by Matt Brown, May 14 - 15,2022, sponsored by the Concord Art Association.
- Introduction to Japanese Color Woodblock Printmaking, IRL (in real life) workshops taught by Matt Brown at the Cotton Free Library on Quaker Village Rd., Weybridge, VT during the month of June (June 4- 6, 18 - 20, 2022).

Links to Printmaking Resources: Exhibits

- An exhibit of Japanese 19th century color woodblock prints at Matt Brown Fine Art, Lyme, NH:
"Kunisada and the Chushingura, Stories of Mob Violence and Politics, Theater and Art", through April 10 and also online.